Favourites right now

A friend asked me over the weekend who my favourite artists are at the moment.

Here’s three:

Finished work, 2018

Victor Berezovsky

My friend Victor is now based back in Wellington after several years overseas. His paintings often require a lot of looking and his latest works are some of the strongest I’ve seen him make. Part of the drive behind my recent black and white works comes from seeing what Victor’s been doing with paint – I want some of that! His are not the kind of works you often see in New Zealand so take your time and let your eyes adjust to what’s going on in them.


Swimming Pool, 2018
glass beads on linen
375 x 230mm

Erica van Zon

I work with Erica at Toi Pōneke and she’s always got some project on the go. Again, like Victor’s work, some pieces grab me, others don’t, but the work is “very Erica” and this is a good thing. I really appreciate Erica’s approach and attitude towards her practice. This integrity is something I feel both Erica and Victor share and the world is much richer for it.


A Physical Feeling, 2014

Lucas Blaclock

I’ve no idea who Lucas is, what his attitude is towards his practice but I’m intrigued by his photographs. I saw a couple of his photographs when I was in Toronto. They’re odd (in a very good way). Strange compositions, doing interesting things with photography.


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→ Unpossible Drawing